Medium/Low poly prop modeling and trexturing
Lighting for "Halo 5: Guardians" (343 Industries, Proprietary Engine)
Lava Fortress concept. Rough object placement, followed by paintover.
3D model of covered wagon, back half showing wireframe.
Plasma rifle concept and 3D model, including 1st person viewpoint.
Lighting for Crytek's "Ryse: Son of Rome" (CryEngine)
Concept for a dilapidated, deranged hallway.
Officer's quarters concepts and modeling, with lighting variations.
Special FX and Lighting for the iOS/Android title "Arc Squadron". (Psyonix, Unreal Engine)
Lighting for "Halo 5: Guardians" (343 Industries - Microsoft Studios)
Rough whitebox placement with paintover.
Various 3D models of plants, showing wireframes.
"Snow Scout" vehicle concept, and 3D model showing wireframes.
Spaceship concepts.
Lighting for "Ryse: Son of Rome" (CryEngine)
Concept for science lab with specimen tank.
Tree village concept.
Turkish dagger concept variations.
Lighting for "Resistance 3" (Insomniac Games, Proprietary Engine)
Zombie vampire concept.